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Build Background and Use Prior Knowledge sections are supported next, as well in the Differentiated Instruction box on the previous page. These activities ensure that students understand the vocabulary and concepts in the reading selections. Teaching scripts are consistently provided.

The selection of literary and expository readings is carefully balanced. In this example, the first reading in the chapter is a literary text. The second reading is expository (social studies). This alternating sequence continues throughout Milestones.

The wonderful variety of the boxes on the bottom of the page provides you with creative ideas for varying activities while at the same time providing valuable instruction for your students.

Some of the “connections” you will find throughout the Milestones California Teacher’s Edition are: Community Connection, Science Connection, Social Studies Connection, Math Connection, , Arts Connection, Home Connection, and Technology Connection.

Additional teaching suggestions include Contrastive Analysis (Language Transfer and Interference), Writing Strategies, and Listening and Speaking Strategies.

You will also find suggestions for activity Grouping Strategies and Classroom Management techniques appropriately embedded in this section.

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