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The Milestones California Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM for Milestones Introductory, A, B, and C is a handy, all-in-one tool that eliminates the need to carry numerous components to and from class.

In-class lesson and assessment support for you and your students is all contained here.
The Milestones California Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM is where you will find the ExamView® Assessment software, correlated to the California English-Language Arts Standards.

You will find detailed information about using ExamView in the
Milestones Assessment section of this Milestones Online Professional Development.

Note that the California Workbook with Assessment Practice Answer Key is located on the California Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM. It can also be found in the Milestones California Teacher’s Resource Book.

The Milestones Introductory California Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM  also contains the California Assessment Book Audio and the Audio Teacher Script.

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