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To provide individualized practice and support, Milestones Introductory, A, B, and C each has a lively CD-ROM for student use.

An icon in the Student Edition indicates when the practice is correlated.

For Milestones Introductory, practice on the CD-ROM includes: Vocabulary, Listening and Speaking, Letters and Sounds, Writing and Writing Conventions, Grammar, Word Study, Reading Strategy, Text Genre, Reading Comprehension, Literary or Text Elements, all based on the corresponding sections within the Chapters.

Sections practiced from Books A, B and C include Vocabulary From the Reading, Academic Vocabulary, Reading Strategy, Text Genre, Reading Comprehension, Literary or Text Elements, Spelling, Writing Conventions, Vocabulary Development, Grammar and Writing Support.

Students work at their own pace, and can repeat an activity as often as they wish.

After working with the Independent Practice CD-ROM, your students will have gained valuable individualized support for their learning.

You have finished the walk-through of this component. You may wish to review this section of the Milestones Online Professional Development before taking the quiz which follows.

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