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The features in the Milestones Introductory California Teacher’s Edition for the Welcome Unit differ slightly from the features for Units 1-7. If you are not teaching the Welcome Unit, you may skip to the section below identified: Teacher’s Edition> Units 1-7.

In the Welcome Unit, each Chapter’s opening is supported by extensive teacher notes for your use.

The left column provides explicit teaching suggestions that accompany the elements of this page in the Milestones Introductory California Student Edition.

The Objectives provide a road map to what is going to be accomplished in the Chapter.

These are the expected, standards-based outcomes for the Chapter. You and your students can see the correlation of these objectives to the California English-Language Arts Standards on the bottom of this page. You will want to make these available for daily student reference by posting on the board.

You will find instructions for preteaching and for preparing students for the Vocabulary and Listening and Speaking content to follow.

Informal and Formal Pre-Assessments are provided, so that you can determine class and individual needs.

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