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Milestones Introductory California Teacher’s Edition

1. The heart of the California Teacher's Edition for Milestones Introductory consists of:

a. Teaching notes for the Student Edition pages
b. Staff Development Handbook
c. Teacher Think Alouds
d. Assessment

2. Where will you find descriptions of general instructional routines?

a. In the Skills Index of the Teacher's Edition
b. In the Staff Development Handbook
c. In the Teacher's Resource CD-ROM
d. In the margins of the Teacher's Edition

3. In addition to the Teacher's Resource CD-ROM, where will you find the Pacing Guide for each Unit?

a. In the Staff Development Handbook
b. In the back of the Teacher's Edition
c. In the Scope & Sequence for each Unit
d. At the beginning of each Unit

4. In addition to the Teacher's Resource CD-ROM, where is a list of Spanish-English cognates found?

a. In the Teacher's Edition Skills Index
b. In the Teacher's Edition marginal notes
c. In the Staff Development Handbook
d. In the back of the Teacher's Edition

5. What activity do you find embedded on every two instructional pages of the Teacher's Edition?

a. Reading Strategy
b. Reading Fluency
c. Reading Comprehension
d. Graphic Organizers

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