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In Part B of the Chapters in Units 1 -7, the Milestones Introductory California Teacher's Edition pages shift in organization and content to follow the features of the Milestones Introductory California Student Edition page.

These pages provide pre-reading, reading and post-reading activities similar to those found in Milestones California Student Editions A, B, and C.

Support for teaching each section follows. Informal and Formal Pre-assessment tools are provided.

Vocabulary From the Reading and Academic Vocabulary for the Reading Strategy are explicitly and clearly taught and practiced, utilizing an "instruct/practice/assess" sequence.

The treatment of vocabulary in Milestones implements Robert Marzano's six-step process. You will find a description and reference in the Instructional routines section in the Milestones Introductory California Teacher's Edition Staff Development Handbook section.

Differentiated Instruction boxes continue to support reaching all students during the Use Prior Knowledge and Reading Strategy sections.

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