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The teacher scripts and teaching suggestions continue through the remainder of the Before the Reading section, through the Reading section, and After the Reading section.
A similar teaching sequence is provided for Reading 2. The Text Genre is taught and author introduced.
The Reading Focus Question gives students questions to attend to while they read. You will return to these questions at the end of the reading.
The section After Readings 1 and 2 expands the learning to include formal Listening and Speaking practice, a Reading Fluency activity, and a Vocabulary Development section.
Grammar is explicitly taught, practiced, and used with support suggestions in the marginal notes. The grammar topics are expanded upon in the Milestones California Workbook with Assessment Practice.
A formal Writing Assignment with Writing Support follows. Here you will help your students practice and build skills for the end of unit Writing Workshop.
The Chapter ends with the embedded Progress Check section, in which students evaluate themselves prior to the more formal Assessment Practice. The Assessment Practice contains reading and writing on demand assessments, where students can test themselves to determine readiness for the formal end-of-chapter assessment.
Note the inclusion of Study Skills tips for you to use at the bottom of the page. You will also find review and/or reteach/reassess suggestions here.
The systematic organization of Milestones means that every Chapter and every Unit in the Milestones California Student Edition and the Milestones California Teacher’s Edition follow a similar pattern. The pedagogical strength of this clear, transparent structure means that your students, and you, always know where you are and what to expect.