Dr. JoAnn (Jodi) Crandall
Dr. JoAnn (Jodi) Crandall is Professor Emerita and former Director of the Language, Literacy, and Culture Ph.D. Program, and Co-Director of the MA TESOL Program at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC). She has worked in all areas of ESL/EFL including teaching, curriculum and materials development, standards development, and teacher training.
Dr. Crandall is a contributor to National Geographic Learning’s webinar series and to National Geographic Learning’s InFocus blog.
Her webinars include:
How to Engage Teenager Learners with Projects
Dr. Joan Kang Shin
Dr. Joan Kang Shin is an Associate Professor of Education at George Mason University and the Academic Program Coordinator of the Teaching Culturally & Linguistically Diverse & Exceptional Learners (TCLDEL) program. Dr. Shin specializes in teaching ESL/EFL to young learners and teenagers and has provided professional development programs and workshops to EFL teachers in over 100 countries around the world.
Dr. Shin is a contributor to National Geographic Learning’s webinar series and to National Geographic Learning’s InFocus blog.
Her webinars include:
Empowering 21st Century Teenagers
For more practical classroom content from authors, National Geographic Explorers, teacher trainers, and speakers from the TED stage click here to subscribe to National Geographic Learning’s InFocus Blog and click here to subscribe to National Geographic Learning’s Webinars.
Learn more about Joan and Jodi’s previous collaboration on our award-winning Our World series for young learners!