Lesley Koustaff
Lesley has been teaching (students) and writing ELT materials of all levels for over thirty years. Lesley hopes that by involving students in their learning throughout Impact, they will be interested, engaged and motivated every step of the way. Lesley has conducted educational workshops all over Asia, The United States, Central and South America, and Turkey. She earned her Master’s in Teaching from The School for International Training in Vermont.
Diane Pinkley
Diane Pinkley is former Director of the TC TESOL Certificate Program in the TESOL Program, Department of Arts and Humanities at Teachers College, Columbia University in New York City. She is a well-known teacher trainer and author in ESL/EFL, and has traveled around the world presenting academic papers and leading teacher training workshops. She has also authored bestselling series for both children and adults. Formerly the Director of the Institute of North American Studies in Badalona, Spain, and Curriculum Coordinator at the Michigan Language Center in Ann Arbor, Michigan, she has taught all levels of ESL and EFL.
Katherine Stannett
Katherine Stannett is based in West Sussex, England and is an author with over twenty years of experience in editing, writing, and developing materials to teach English. She specializes in writing for children and teenagers at all levels and is particularly interested in the development of 21st century skills.
Katherine Stannett is a contributor to National Geographic Learning’s webinar series and to National Geographic Learning’s InFocus blog.
Her webinars include:
Making an Impact: Teaching Our Students to Be Global Explorers
Using Real Life Topics in Your Classroom
Read her blog posts here:
Thomas Fast
Thomas Fast is a teacher, author, and education consultant based in Japan. Over the last twenty years, he has taught and produced materials for early teen to adult learners. Tom has presented internationally, led a number of teacher-training workshops, and consulted for the public and private sectors.
Thomas Fast is a contributor to National Geographic Learning’s InFocus blog.
Read his blog post here:
Three Things I’ve Learned about Teaching English
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