John Hughes
John Hughes is an award-winning ELT author with thirty years’ experience of teaching and teacher training. He has worked with learners and teachers from all over the world and is a well-known conference presenter. For National Geographic Learning, he is an author on the course series Life, World English, Third Edition World Link, Fourth Edition, Success with Business, and Total Business. He’s also the author of the methodology title, Critical Thinking in ELT. His website is

Paul Dummett
Paul’s career in ELT began in Oxford in 1987, first as a teacher, the DoS, then Vice Principal of Godmer House School of English. In 1996 he set up his own school which he ran for 10 years, giving it up in 2006 to concentrate on writing full-time. Paul’s interests have always been centred around needs-based learning: from task-based learning for general English students through business English teaching to specialised ESP courses.
As a teacher and a writer, Paul’s aim is to develop materials that are stimulating and thought-provoking – that offer more than just language learning.

Helen Stephenson
Helen Stephenson is based near Barcelona and works with the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) and as an ELT author. In her career she has taught students in Secondary schools and at British Council centres, and trained teachers at Barcelona University (UB) and for an ELT publisher in Spain. She is the author of titles in the National Geographic Learning/Cengage series English Explorer, Life, Total Business, Success with BEC and the award-winning Keynote.