Preparing Students for Hands-on Careers Technical Education titles engage students with current technologies,
practices and skills employers want.
Our courses offer access to leading simulations that help students learn
procedure, practice safety, diagnose and fix faults, and visualize theory across
Automotive and Construction programs.
Partnering with Industry to Prepare Students for their Careers
All Automotive titles are mapped to ASE objectives
Our HVAC MindTap course allows students to opt-in to Carrier Workforce
Connection Portal so their scores are visible to employers
The Residential Construction Academy Series is written in partnership with
the Home Builders Institute (HBI) and offers a comprehensive curriculum based on the
foundation of National Skill Standards for residential construction
SP/2 Industry-specific safety, environmental, and soft skills
trainings: now available within Automotive, Collision, Diesel, and Welding
MindTap courses