Authors : Patricia Buckley Ebrey; Anne Walthall
360 Pages Paperback
3rd Edition | Previous Editions: 2009, 2006
©2014, Published
£ 77.99 Price
Both comprehensive and captivating, PRE-MODERN EAST ASIA: A CULTURAL, SOCIAL, AND POLITICAL HISTORY, VOLUME I: To 1800, 3E features the latest scholarship on the cultural, political, economic, and intellectual history of China, Japan, and Korea--giving special emphasis to gender and material culture... more
Extremely student friendly, PRE-MODERN EAST ASIA: A CULTURAL, SOCIAL, AND POLITICAL HISTORY, VOLUME I: To 1800, 3E offers an engaging two-color design, large photos that include four-color inserts, and chapter organization that provides a straightforward chronology.
The Third Edition presents just ... more
Expanded material on culture includes new coverage of Japanese portrait statues and matchlocks.
The Third Edition has added documents from the BOOK OF SONGS for the Zhou period.
Offering additional insight, an all-new "Making Comparisons" focuses on languages.
Reflecting input from instructors wh... more