Authors : Dieter Sevin; Ingrid Sevin; Beatrix Brockman
560 Pages Hardcover
10th Edition | Previous Editions: 2011, 2007, 1995
©2015, Published
£ 65.99 Price
Focused on building linguistic skills and comprehension through creative introductions to contemporary life and cultures in German-speaking countries, WIE GEHT'S? Tenth Edition exposes students to the German language, while encouraging cultural awareness and the acquisition of a functional vocabular... more
“Zum Thema” contains lively and authentic dialogues that introduce the featured topic in each chapter. These dialogues function as models for conversation; they are not intended to demonstrate new grammar, but rather recycle previous materials and introduce new vocabulary.
The “Zum Erkennen” presen... more
NEW illustrations have been added and graph-based activities have all NEW up-to-date statistical graphs.
Five NEW literary pieces have been added: a poem by Tabea Vahlenkamp and four short stories by Jutta Strzalka, Jörg Zschocke, Evelyne Weissenbach, and Gisela Reuter.
NEW Rückschau, 2-page revie... more
This essential study tool gives students the practice they need to develop their listening, speaking, and writing skills. Each chapter brings together different materials to be used with the Student Activity Manual and additional practice exercises that can be completed outside of class. Periodically, these chapters are ... more
This essential study tool gives students the practice they need to develop their listening, speaking, and writing skills. Each chapter brings together different materials to be used with the Student Activity Manual and additional practice exercises that can be completed outside of class. Periodically, these chapters are ... more