Now with MindTap and updated to reflect today's political climate, the Eighth Edition of INTRODUCTION TO COMPARATIVE POLITICS offers a country-by-country approach that allows students to fully examine similarities and differences among countries and within and between political systems. Each chapter offers an analysis of political challenges and changing agendas within countries and provides detailed descriptions and analyses of the politics of individual countries. The Eighth Edition offers a condensed narrative and student-friendly pedagogy such as marginal key terms and focus questions that will help students make meaningful connections and comparisons about the countries presented. INTRODUCTION TO COMPARATIVE POLITICS, Eighth Edition, consists of 13 country case studies, selected for their significance in terms of the comparative themes and because they provide an interesting sample of types of political regimes, levels of economic development, and geographic regions.
This resource helps instructors teach the course in order to prepare students for AP® exams.
Aligned to An Introduction to Comparative Politics, AP® Edition, Fast Track to a 5 prepares students for success on the AP® Comparative Politics exam by providing strategies, practice questions, and two full-length Practice Tests.