Essentials of Business Communication, 12th Student Edition

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Authors : Mary Ellen Guffey; Dana Loewy



12th Edition  |  Previous Editions: 2019

©2023, Published

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Ensure you have the job-ready writing and communication skills that today's employers demand with Guffey/Loewy's ESSENTIALS OF BUSINESS COMMUNICATION, 12E. This market-leading text and its online study tools help you develop the professional and communication skills that employers seek, including wr... more


IN-DEPTH REVISIONS AND CURRENT COVERAGE ARE DRIVEN BY THE AUTHORS' METICULOUS, CUTTING-EDGE RESEARCH. Most of the authoritative publications consulted and cited in this edition are no more than one to three years old. The authors support their own first-hand business and consulting experiences with ... more

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UPDATED AWARD-WINNING APPROACH BALANCES TIMELINESS AND TIMELESSNESS. This edition distills relevant trends that shape business communication while continuing to provide proven pedagogy that emphasizes the development of your students’ skills. This authoritative, practical learning system, designed f... more

Teacher Supplements
Instructor's Companion Website
Student Supplements
Essentials of Business Communication, 12th, K12 MindTap (1-year access)

MindTap is a cloud-based, highly personalized, learning environment that combines student learning tools—readings, multimedia, activities, and assessments—into a single Learning Path.

Essentials of Business Communication, 12th, K12 MindTap (6-year access)

MindTap is a cloud-based, highly personalized, learning environment that combines student learning tools—readings, multimedia, activities, and assessments—into a single Learning Path.