Basic Spanish Grammar: Basic Spanish Series

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Authors : Ana C. Jarvis; Raquel Lebredo; Francisco Mena-Ayllón


432 Pages  Paperback 

2nd Edition  |  Previous Editions: 2011, 2006, 2000

©2014, Published


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THE BASIC SPANISH SERIES ENHANCED SECOND EDITION offers a more dynamic teaching and learning experience than ever before with advanced online tools designed to address the needs of today's students and professionals requiring a working knowledge of Spanish. This flexible, concise introduction to Spa... more


Applied Presentation--Clear, concise grammar explanations in English with examples, translations, and charts in Spanish. "Vamos a practicar" activities reinforce grammar materials presented. Communication skills are honed with personalized questions, situational role-plays, and group activities.

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New to this Edition

New! "Más práctica" grammar activities provide plenty of extra practice outside of class, freeing up precious class time for more high-level discussion.

Teacher Supplements
Resource Center 24-Months Instant Access Code
9780495902621 $60.00

Suite of online digital resources for The BASIC SPANISH SERIES. This is an integrated, multimedia package that complements your text and helps you succeed in your course online anytime, anywhere. This includes in-text audio and 4 audio phrasebooks that will help you learn key phr... more

Student Supplements
Resource Center 24-Months Instant Access Code
9780495902621 $60.00

Suite of online digital resources for The BASIC SPANISH SERIES. This is an integrated, multimedia package that complements your text and helps you succeed in your course online anytime, anywhere. This includes in-text audio and 4 audio phrasebooks that will help you learn key phr... more