Announcing a new, unique AP® Human Geography program from National Geographic Learning/Cengage!
Start school with a program that meets 100% of the College Board Course and Exam Description and engages students with rigorous but accessible content and stunning resources from the National Geographic Society.
(Above Top) The Chapter 5 Summary & Review includes questions on key terms and concepts, interpreting graphs, and includes a full Geo-Inquiry project. (Above Bottom) The Unit 2 Writing Across Units, Regions & Scales includes seven ‘Write Across Units’ questions (Looking Back and Looking Forward). In ‘Write Across Regions & Scales’, students are asked to write an essay a region in South Asia (that they select) with either Dhaka or Mongla in Bangladesh. Students then draw on evidence from the unit and the article and address an additional free response question.
Human Geography A Spatial Perspective AP® Edition will be complemented by MindTap, National Geographic Learning/Cengage’s new and exceptionally comprehensive online learning platform for teachers and students. Resources will include unit videos, full audio, online assessment, PowerPoint presentations, Handbooks, National Geographic Atlas, ArcGIS activities, and a link to the National Geographic Interactive Map Tool. This easy-to-navigate digital program will be available January 2021.