Curren's Math for Meds: Dosages and Solutions

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Authors : Gladdi Tomlinson, RN, MSN; Lou Ann Boose, RN, MSN


384 Pages  Paperback 

12th Edition  |  Previous Editions: 2015, 2009

©2025, Published


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Tomlinson/Boose's CURREN'S MATH FOR MEDS: DOSAGES AND SOLUTIONS, 12e, covers basic math concepts and systems of measurement for dosage calculation. Careful attention to practices encouraging safety in medication preparation, calculation and administration are outlined. Three common methods of dosage... more


Clear, Concise Content: Non-threatening explanations without extraneous material, along with a consistent layout instructors and readers want, help make this book a market favorite.

Running answers to in-book exercises give immediate feedback: Students are shown all three methods of calculation, ex... more

New to this Edition

Presentation with an organized approach: Medication safety is presented as a foundation for safe practice in the clinical setting. There is a strong focus on reading and interpreting the information on medication labels used in the chapters related to dosage calculation methods. Three commonly used ... more

Student Supplements
Curren's Math for Meds: Dosages and Solutions, 12th, K12 WebAssign (1-year access)
9780357768143 $37.00

Our online learning platforms are designed to achieve better results. By increasing student engagement, improving teacher productivity, and using assessment to enable differentiation, we support growth. With Curren's Math for Meds: Dosages a... more

Curren's Math for Meds: Dosages and Solutions, 12th, K12 WebAssign (6-year access)
9798214127835 $173.00

Our online learning platforms are designed to achieve better results. By increasing student engagement, improving teacher productivity, and using assessment to enable differentiation, we support growth. With Curren's Math for Meds: Dosages a... more

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K12 Print + Digital Bundle: Curren's Math for Meds: Dosages and Solutions, 12th Student Edition + WebAssign (1-year access)



K12 Print + Digital Bundle: Curren's Math for Meds: Dosages and Solutions, 12th Student Edition + WebAssign (6-year access)

