Technical Drawing for Engineering Communication

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Authors : David E. Goetsch; Raymond L. Rickman; William S. Chalk


1008 Pages  Hardcover 

7th Edition  |  Previous Editions: 2010, 2005, 2000

©2016, Published

£ 96.99 Price

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TECHNICAL DRAWING FOR ENGINEERING COMMUNICATION, 7E offers a fresh, modern approach to technical drawing that combines the most current industry standards with up-to-date technologies and software, resulting in a valuable, highly relevant resource you and your students won't want to be without. The ... more


In-depth coverage of mechanical, architectural, and civil drafting is featured, with discipline-specific icons that quickly and clearly denote drawing and math problems that pertain to a student's specific area of study.

Modern design practices, standards, and examples are used throughout, giving y... more

New to this Edition

All-new chapters on employability skills, sketching and lettering, and drafting tools modernize the content and provide students with skills and knowledge they can apply immediately.

Updated photographs and artwork create a true-to-life experience, illustrating what students will see on the job.

C... more
