Business Law Today, The Essentials: Text and Summarized Cases

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Author : Roger LeRoy Miller


816 Pages  Paperback 

13th Edition  |  Previous Editions: 2020, 2017, 2014

©2022, Published

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Equip students with a clear understanding of today's law, the legal environment and its impact on business with Miller's BUSINESS LAW TODAY: ESSENTIALS, 13E. This popular, concise approach makes the study of business law engaging and relevant for students while solidifying their understanding of leg... more


NEW EXAMPLES AND CASE EXAMPLES FROM 2019 AND 2020 ARE HIGHLIGHTED AND NUMBERED FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. These meaningful examples apply legal points of law to scenarios students recognize and understand to help them visualize how business law principles work in everyday interactions. New examples illus... more

New to this Edition

NEW "CYBERSECURITY AND THE LAW" FEATURE HIGHLIGHTS BOTH THE RISKS AND REWARDS OF TECHNOLOGY IN USE THROUGHOUT TODAY'S GLOBAL MARKETPLACE. These engaging features recount how some of today's most recognizable brands in corporate America, from Apple to Arby's, are protecting themselves and their custo... more

Student Supplements
Business Law Today - The Essentials: Text & Summarized Cases, 13th, K12 MindTap (1-year access)

MindTap is the online solution for CTE that includes a full, interactive eBook, annotation and study tools, video, auto-graded assessment and data analytics. This ISBN includes 1 year of access.

Business Law Today - The Essentials: Text & Summarized Cases, 13th, K12 MindTap (6-year access)

MindTap is the online solution for CTE that includes a full, interactive eBook, annotation and study tools, video, auto-graded assessment and data analytics. This ISBN includes 6-year of access.