Horizons: Exploring the Universe (High School Edition)

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Authors : Michael A. Seeds; Dana Backman



14th Edition  |  Previous Editions: 2014

©2018, Published

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The 14th Edition of HORIZONS: EXPLORING THE UNIVERSE is fully updated with the latest astronomy discoveries and online re... more


Text-specific "Socratic" tutorials authored by Mike Seeds are consistent with the pedagogy and overall approach of the Seeds/Backman texts.

Mike Seeds' and Dana Backman's conversational and student-friendly writing style, places an emphasis on helping students acquire an understanding of the univer... more

New to this Edition

Every chapter has been reviewed and updated with new discoveries and images.

The lunar and solar eclipse tables in Chapter 3 have been updated to include eclipses through the year 2024.

The Mars retrograde loop figure in Chapter 4 is updated to 2018.

New and planned observatory facilities, includ... more
