Management and Supervision in Law Enforcement

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Authors : Kären Matison Hess; Christine Hess Orthmann, M.S.; Shaun E. LaDue


672 Pages  Hardcover 

7th Edition  |  Previous Editions: 2012, 2007, 2004

©2016, Published

£ 97.99 Price

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MANAGEMENT AND SUPERVISION IN LAW ENFORCEMENT is a practical and straightforward book that focuses on law enforcement managers and supervisors, their jobs, and the complicated interrelationships between members of the law enforcement team and the communities they serve. The seventh edition has an in... more


Chapter 1 begins with a general overview of the policing profession before moving into discussions of management and how that role is defined within the context of today's police organizations.

Coverage includes a focus on post-9/11 policing--including research on the effects of 9/11--as well as th... more

New to this Edition

The new "Ethical Dilemma" feature provides students with scenarios in which they must make moral decisions. Each of 10 boxes presents background on an issue, such as an officer's questionable use of social media (Ch. 3), then asks students to assess the situation from a manager's perspective. Was th... more
