
Cover image of product

Authors : Ron Larson; Bruce H. Edwards


1280 Pages  Hardcover 

12th Edition  |  Previous Editions: 2018, 2014, 2010

©2023, Published


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Clearly present and effectively demonstrate the concepts and rules of calculus with the student-focused approach in CALCULUS, 12th Edition by award-winning authors Larson and Edwards. This edition offers a wealth of learning support and digital resources -- all thoroughly updated and refined using p... more


STRONG STUDENT-FOCUSED APPROACH PROVIDES CLEAR GUIDANCE AND LEARNING FEATURES. This edition offers section-level objectives and clearly stated theorems and definitions as well as engaging exploration features and helpful remarks.


New to this Edition

NEW "BIG IDEAS OF CALCULUS" NOTES FOCUS ON A DEEPER UNDERSTANDING OF CORE CONCEPTS. Each chapter introduces the overarching or primary ideas behind the chapter's topics and includes a clear summary of key concepts. Conceptual exercises further solidify students' understanding while follow-up exercis... more

Teacher Supplements
Online PowerPoint®
Online Instructor's Resource

The robust Online Instructor’s Resource Guide contains an abundance of resources to aid instructors in preparing and presenting text material in a manner that meets their personal preferences and course needs. It provides a variety of tools keyed to the textbook at the chapter and section level, ... more

Online Test Bank

Downloadable Test Bank files for a variety of Learning Management Systems (LMS).

Online Complete Solutions Manual

This guide offers step-by-step solutions for all odd-numbered text exercises in Calculus, 12th Edition. The worked-out solutions give students a way to check their answers, ensure that they took the correct steps to arrive at an answer, and help them understand how to solve even the toughest ... more

Student Supplements
Calculus, 12th K12 WebAssign (1-year access)
9798214003627 $50.00

Our online learning platforms are designed to achieve better results. By increasing student engagement, improving teacher productivity, and using assessment to enable differentiation, we support growth. With Calculus, 12th K12 WebAssign (1-year access), our online solution goes ... more

Calculus, 12th K12 WebAssign (6-year access)
9780357958278 $177.50

Our online learning platforms are designed to achieve better results. By increasing student engagement, improving teacher productivity, and using assessment to enable differentiation, we support growth. With Calculus, 12th K12 WebAssign (6-year access), our online solution goes ... more

Best Buy / Other Popular Packages
Choose the textbook packaged with the resources that best meet your course and student needs. Contact your Cengage Learning representative for more information.

K12 Print Bundle + Digital: Calculus, 12th Student Edition + WebAssign, 1-year access

