Medical Terminology for Health Professions

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Authors : Ann Ehrlich; Carol L. Schroeder; Laura Ehrlich; Katrina A. Schroeder


544 Pages  Hardcover 

8th Edition

©2017, Published

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MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY FOR HEALTH PROFESSIONS, 8E simplifies the process of memorizing complex medical terminology by focusing on the important word parts—common prefixes, suffixes and root words—that provide a foundation for learning hundreds of medical terms. Organized by body systems, chapters follo... more


The proven combination of learning exercises that follows each chapter's text is designed to make teaching medical terminology easy by thoroughly engaging learners with a variety of formats, real-life medical scenarios, and critical thinking exercises.

Text exercises emphasize writing out the corre... more

New to this Edition

Offering unique coverage of an increasingly important topic, the Eighth Edition includes an expanded section on complementary and alternative therapies that reflects the changing role of holistic health care in medical practice.

Completely current, engaging artwork continues to feature multi-cultur... more

Teacher Supplements
Student Workbook
9781305634367 £45.00

The student workbook is designed to help your students retain key chapter content. Included within this resource are chapter objective questions, key-term definition queries, and multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, and true-or-false problems.

Student Supplements
Student Workbook

The student workbook is designed to help you retain key chapter content. Included within this resource are chapter objective questions, key-term definition queries, and multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, and true-or-false problems.

Medical Terminology for Health Professions, 8th K12 MindTap (1-year access)

MindTap is the online solution for CTE courses and includes a full, interactive eBook, annotation and study tools, auto-graded assessment, media, and data analytics. MindTap for Medical Terminology also includes Learning Lab video-based modules that ... more

Medical Terminology for Health Professions, 8th K12 MindTap (6-year access)

MindTap is the online solution for CTE courses and includes a full, interactive eBook, annotation and study tools, auto-graded assessment, media, and data analytics. MindTap for Medical Terminology also includes Learning Lab video-based modules that ... more