Ladders Reading/Language Arts

The Ladders Reading/Language Arts listed here are Common Core versions. This series covers all Reading and Writing Common Core Standards for grades 3-5. Non-Common Core, as well as Texas, editions are also available. For more information please contact your sales rep.

Same Great Content. Four Different Reading Levels.

• Laddered approach to leveled readers in order to differentiate for a shared experience
• Compelling selections utilizing National Geographic visuals
• 100% coverage of Common Core Standards for Reading Literature, Reading Informational Text, and Writing
• Expertise of program consultant, Stephanie Harvey.
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Stephanie Harvey

Stephanie Harvey has spent the past 42 years teaching and learning about reading and writing. As the president of Stephanie Harvey Consulting (, she currently serves as a priva... more

eBooks available for on-level National Geographic Ladders Common Core Readers

  • Compatible on iPads and Android device
  • Hover over any word for its definition
  • Scroll, pinch, and zoom for an interactive experience!

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