Human Heredity: Principles and Issues

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Author : Michael Cummings


496 Pages  Paperback 

11th Edition  |  Previous Editions: 2014, 2011, 2009

©2016, Published


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HUMAN HEREDITY engages non-Biology majors with concepts and examples that they can apply to themselves, their families, and their work environment. Author Michael Cummings uses clear, concise language to explain the origin, nature, and amount of genetic diversity present in the human population and ... more


NEW Questions have been added at the end of the "Exploring Genetics" and "The Genetic Revolution" boxes that encourage students to further explore the topics and that prompt classroom discussion; these questions can also be used as research topics and in student presentations.

"The Genetic Revoluti... more

New to this Edition

"Exploring Genetics" boxes highlight applications of concepts, present the latest findings, and point out controversial ideas without interrupting the flow of the text.

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K12 Print + Digital Bundle: Human Heredity: Principles and Issues, 11th Student edition + MindTap (6-year access)

