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The American Pageant, AP® Edition,17th Student Edition

$169.00 9781337915571


The reputable authors of The American Pageant combine excellent scholarship with a witty, engaging narrative style and creative look at U.S. History to build critical thinking skills and a love of American history. The American Pageant, the best-selling AP US History text, is a clear and approachable book for any student studying American history.

Teacher Supplements
The American Pageant, AP® Edition, 17th Edition, Annotated Instructor's Edition
Student Supplements
Fast Track to a 5 AP® Test Preparation Workbook
9780357030721 $29.00

Prepare for the AP® United States History exam effectively and efficiently with a diagnostic test, test taking strategies, and course content reviews. Aligned with the content presented in The American Pageant, 17th Edition.

The American Pageant, AP® Edition,17th, K12 MindTap v2 (1-year Access)
9781337915564 $50.00

MindTap is a cloud-based, highly personalized, learning environment that combines student learning tools—readings, multimedia, activities, and assessments—into a single Learning Path.

Best Buy / Other Popular Packages
Choose the textbook packaged with the resources that best meet your course and student needs. Contact your Cengage Learning representative for more information.

Print + Digital Bundle: The American Pageant, AP® Edition, 17th Student Edition + MindTap v2 (1-year access)



ePack: The American Pageant, AP® Edition, 17th Student Edition + MindTap™ (6-year access)

