Authors : Ana C. Jarvis; Raquel Lebredo
400 Pages Paperback
2nd Edition | Previous Editions: 2011, 2006, 2000
©2014, Published
£ 80.99 Price
THE BASIC SPANISH SERIES, SPANISH FOR BUSINESS AND FINANCE, Enhanced Second Edition, is a communication manual designed to serve those in the world of business who seek basic conversational skills in Spanish. Written for use in two-semester or three-quarter courses, this worktext presents everyday s... more
Applied Presentation--Clear, concise grammar explanations in English with examples, translations, and charts in Spanish. "Vamos a practicar" activities reinforce grammar materials presented. Communication skills are honed with personalized questions, situational role-plays, and group activities.
Pr... more
New! Media-enabled eBook includes seamless access to audio and video from the text program within the chapter. The audio program for the Student Activities Manual is included as a section at the end of each chapter.
New! "Más sobre el tema" (Comprehensive Business Vocabulary and Expressions)Appendi... more