BIOLOGY: THE UNITY AND DIVERSITY OF LIFE, 15th Edition, reveals the biological world. With its eye-catching photos and images, this product engages students with applications and activities that encourage critical thinking. Chapter-opening Core Concepts help students focus on the topics that matter most, and section-ending Take Home Messages reinforce key concepts. Links to Earlier Concepts help students make important connections and appreciate how living systems are interconnected and interacting. Other helpful features include case studies, issue-related essays, self-test questions and data analysis problems. Available with MindTap for Biology, the platform that gives instructors complete control of their course and powers students from memorization to mastery.
This guide supports the content required by the College Board and is aligned to the 15th Edition of Biology: The Unity and Diversity of Life. The guide includes correlations, lesson outlines, classroom discussions and activities, lab objectives, AP practice... more
Full of inquiry-oriented experiments, the Lab Manual supports the Big Ideas and the Science Practices for the AP® Biology course and is designed to help students understand how these practices and Big Ideas are related in a lab context.
Prepare for the AP® Exam effectively and efficiently with a diagnostic test, test taking strategies, course content review referencing the Biology: The Unity and Diversity of Life program, and full-length practice exams with answer keys.
Succeed in biology with LABORATORY MANUAL FOR NON-MAJORS BIOLOGY! Through hands-on lab experience, this biology laboratory manual reinforces biology concepts to help you get a better grade. Exercises, pre-lab questions, and post-lab questions enhance your understanding and make lab as... more