Aplia-powered Online Working Papers — now in MindTap™
Past users of Aplia Online Working Papers know how these assignments enhance the classroom experience by providing students with enhanced, immediate feedback that will provide students with additional instruction beyond right and wrong answers. They save teachers time with automatic grading and algorithmic problems, which offer students more practice. Online Working Papers mirror the C21 Accounting Print Working Papers, including:
These Online Working Paper assignments are now INCLUDED within MindTap™ for Century 21 Accounting, allowing teachers to have all of their assessments in one location and make use of Aplia-powered performance reports as well as MindTap™ Analytics to truly gauge how their students are meeting course outcomes.
MindTap™ is an online, personalized learning experience with relevant assignments that guide students to analyze, apply, and improve thinking. Teachers can measure and impact outcomes with ease.
MindTap™ includes Online Working Paper Assignments, Unit Tests, Videos, Simulations, and more!
Learn more about MindTap™ for Accounting
Updated Simulations in MindTap™
The 11th edition of the Century21 Accounting Series now includes three online simulations for General Journal and Multicolumn Journal built with an updated interface built in HTML5 for full ADA compliance and increased interactivty. Teachers can now pull a click stream report for each student that shows the amount of time each step took with in the simulation, the outcome, and a link to watch a video recording of the student’s actual click path they took to complete each step.
Available for:
Contact your Sales Consultant to purchase simulation(s) for your MindTap™ course.