ASE Test Preparation - T6 Electrical and Electronic System

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Author : Delmar, Cengage Learning


224 Pages  Paperback 

5th Edition  |  Previous Editions: 2007, 2004, 2002

©2012, Published

£ 36.99 Price

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The fifth edition of DELMAR’S AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE EXCELLENCE (ASE) TEST PREPARATION MANUAL for the Medium/Heavy Duty Truck T6 Electrical and Electronic Systems exam now contains even more content so you can pass your ASE exam the first time. This manual will ensure that you understand the Electrical... more


We kept these same great features:Overview of what to expect when taking as ASE exam.Up-to-date ASE task lists.Overviews of each task make an easy reference point for help in answering difficult ASE questions.ASE-style exam questions.Detailed explanations

New to this Edition

All brand new practice questions!

Six practice tests, instead of the traditional two will help provide you with even more preparation as you develop your test-taking confidence.

Test questions are weighted for importance to map to the ASE task lists, so you are focusing on the areas that will help... more

Teacher Supplements
ASE Test Prep- T8 Preventive Maintenance
9781111129040 £24.75

The fifth edition of DELMAR’S AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE EXCELLENCE (ASE) TEST PREPARATION MANUAL for the Medium/Heavy Duty Truck T8 Preventive Maintenance exam now contains even more content so you can pass your ASE exam the first time. This manual will ensure that you understand the Preven... more

Student Supplements
ASE Test Prep- T8 Preventive Maintenance

The fifth edition of DELMAR’S AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE EXCELLENCE (ASE) TEST PREPARATION MANUAL for the Medium/Heavy Duty Truck T8 Preventive Maintenance exam now contains even more content so you can pass your ASE exam the first time. This manual will ensure that you understand the Preven... more