Parenting Today's Children: A Developmental Perspective

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Authors : Lynn R. Marotz; Sara Kupzyk


512 Pages  Paperback 

1st Edition

©2018, Published


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PARENTING TODAY'S CHILDREN uses the latest research, strong pedagogical features, and discussion of contemporary and sometimes controversial topics to prepare readers to work effectively with parents and children at all stages of development. A developmentally-based framework helps students and prac... more


PARENTING TODAY'S CHILDREN addresses parenting from a contemporary perspective, presenting the latest information about the multiple challenges that today's parents face, and the skills they need to be successful in their endeavors. The text presents the most current published research, and includes... more

Teacher Supplements
Online Instructor's Manual with Test Bank

Streamline and maximize the effectiveness of your course preparation using such resources as brief chapter outlines, chapter summaries, detailed chapter lecture outlines, lecture suggestions, video suggestions, and creative lecture and teaching suggestions. This manual also contains ... more

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K12 Print + Digital Bundle: Parenting Today's Children: A Developmental Prospective, 1st Student Edition + MindTap (6-year access)

