Horizons, Student Edition: Introductory French

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Authors : Joan H. Manley; Stuart Smith; John T. McMinn-Reyna; Marc A. Prévost


480 Pages  Hardcover 

7th Edition  |  Previous Editions: 2015, 2012, 2009

©2019, Published


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HORIZONS is a complete elementary French program that makes learning French easier through its step-by-step skill-building methodology, flexible and accessible approach to grammar and new vocabulary, and creative and sophisticated coverage of Francophone culture. Through varied interactive activitie... more


HORIZONS is user-friendly for instructors of all backgrounds and includes annotations to indicate lesson plans, suggest additional activities, and provide further cultural and linguistic information. Strategies and cues for learning new vocabulary and structures, making use of concise and clear gram... more

New to this Edition

NEW Géoculture et Vidéo-voyages (geo-cultural sections) have been added to present the latest cultural evolutions with engaging video segments.

NEW Learning Path: Horizons guides online instruction with a carefully designed “learning path” to take students step-by-step through each chapter. This pr... more

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K12 Bundle: Horizons, 7th Student Edition + MindTap (6-year access)

