Delmar's Guide to Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests

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Author : Rick Daniels


1024 Pages  Paperback 

3rd Edition  |  Previous Editions: 2010, 2002

©2015, Published

£ 64.99 Price

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GUIDE TO LABORATORY AND DIAGNOSTIC TESTS: ORGANIZED ALPHABETICALLY, Third Edition, provides essential information on more than 600 lab and diagnostic tests within a single, convenient volume. This all-in-one resource presents detailed, accurate information in an accessible, easy-to-use format. Trust... more


Completely indexed and fully cross-referenced, the text includes three indexes offering alternate ways to access information quickly based on individual needs and preferences, whether a user wants to look up information by test type, pertinent body systems, or a simple alphabetical list of test name... more

New to this Edition

Throughout the text, entries have been updated with current information based on relevant research findings and recommended best practices.

Reflecting recent and ongoing changes in clinical practice, The Third Edition includes information on numerous new tests and procedures that have become increa... more
