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Author : Ricky W. Griffin


736 Pages  Hardcover 

13th Edition  |  Previous Editions: 2017, 2013, 2011

©2022, Published


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Introduce the process of management using the skills-based, functional approach in Griffin’s MANAGEMENT, 13E. Timely content focuses on active planning, leading, organizing and controlling as the author examines emerging management topics and influential trends. New discussions explore the effects o... more


INTEGRATED ORGANIZATION OF CHAPTERS OFFERS STREAMLINED YET COMPREHENSIVE PRESENTATION. This edition's framework logically progresses from introducing the field and focusing on the environment to discussing the four major managerial functions of planning and decision making, organizing, leading and c... more

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MEMORABLE EXAMPLES DEPICT MANAGEMENT AT WORK IN NUMEROUS WELL-KNOWN ORGANIZATIONS. This edition draws notable examples from a wide variety of popular establishments, ranging from large organizations to unique small businesses. Examples demonstrate management principles at work in organizations such ... more

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Management, 13th, K12 MindTap (1-year access)
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