National Geographic Panorama: Reading Through the Lens of Science

Welcome to National Geographic Panorama: Reading Through the Lens of Science. This groundbreaking reading program incorporates life, Earth, and physical science strands through authentic fiction and National Geographic nonfiction. Powered by the MindTap digital platform, students will engage with interactive texts and stunning video. Teachers will have access to differentiated instruction and customized lessons based on reading and science standards. The full Panorama program is available in English and Spanish for the perfect dual language approach.
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Nancy Frey

Nancy Frey, Ph.D., a Professor at San Diego State University received the 2008 Early Career Achievement Award from the National Reading Conference. Dr. Frey has published in The Reading Teacher, Engli... more

Deborah J Short

Dr. Short directs Academic Language Research & Training and provides professional development on academic literacy, content-based ESL, and sheltered instruction worldwide. At the Center for Applied Li... more

Nonie K Lesaux

Associate Professor, Harvard Graduate School of Education Her research and teaching focuses on reading development and preventing reading difficulties of children from linguistically diverse backgroun... more

Jennifer D Turner

Associate Professor, University of Maryland Turner teaches reading education, and multicultural literature and instruction for reading specialists. She has published on exemplary literacy teachers and... more

Sylvia Linan-Thompson

Associate Professor and Fellow, University of Texas, Austin As the associate director of the National Research and Development Center on English Language. Dr. Linan-Thompson has developed and examined... more

Lada Kratky

During her 18 years of teaching in K–2 classrooms, as well as teaching Descubriendo la lectura and Reading Recovery, Lada Kratky has fostered a love of reading in hundreds of English-speaking and Span... more
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Assessment Handbooks (both print and online) include:

  • Key Word assessments
  • Unit Self Assessments
  • Oral Reading Fluency
  • Reading Strategy Assessment
  • Attitudes and Interests Survey

Additional assessments and question banks are available online.

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For Students:

National Geographic Videos introduce the science topics, build background, highlight net vocabulary, and engage students in content.
Online Student Books include interactive questions, audio, word-tracking bouncing balls for beginning readers, and vocabulary pop-ups.

For Teachers:

The online Teacher’s Edition includes even more resources including differentiation at point of use. Simply check the boxes for the groups you want to pull and the instructions and practice will change to meet students’ individual needs.
Online Assessment Reporting helps teachers determine standards-based results on students or classes. Reteaching lessons are provided for each standard.
Same technology available in Spanish.