Author : Susan Fawcett
656 Pages Hardcover
11th Edition | Previous Editions: 2014, 2011
©2018, Published
With carefully crafted instruction, engaging student models, and plentiful practice exercises, this best-selling text continues to provide the most effective paragraph-essay level writing instruction available. EVERGREEN is structured around Susan Fawcett's proven MAP (model-analysis-practice) forma... more
Susan Fawcett's tested MAP format (model-analysis-practice) first provides an example of the concept presented, then discusses the concept, and immediately provides an opportunity for hands-on practice.
Numerous student models provide students with real, attainable examples of paragraphs and essays... more
Chapter 14, "The Process of Writing an Essay," includes more explanation of and practice for writing effective thesis statements.
Throughout the book, new and revised writing samples offer examples of a diversity of modes: illustration, description, process, definition, comparison and contrast, cla... more