An engaging film. LIAISONS includes an engaging, plot-driven film of the same name shot on location in Quebec and France. The film tells the story of Claire Gagner, a psychology student at McGill University who receives an anonymous note that takes her to Quebec City. Mysterious characters appear in Claire's life as she embarks on a journey that eventually leads her to France, where the past and the present blend in some startling revelations.
Process approach to both reading and writing. The development of reading skills is addressed in two sections of the textbook: “Liaisons culturelles” and “Liaisons avec la lecture.” The “Liaisons avec la lecture” sections, in particular, lead students through pre-reading, reading, and post-reading sections. Students are led to develop their writing skills in the “Liaisons avec la lecture et l'écriture” sections. These sections guide students through the writing process using the following steps: brainstorming, composing drafts, proofing and editing, and final draft.
Engagement with culture on all levels. LIAISONS exposes students to the practices, products, and perspectives (ACTFL Standards) of the cultures in the French-speaking world through the film, LIAISONS, and in virtually every activity. LIAISONS integrates cultural coverage from France, Quebec, and various regions within the Francophone world. Cultural topics are carefully selected and treated to ensure that they are relevant and of high interest to adult learners, yet presented in a way that makes them accessible to beginning-level students.
Vocabulaire. Active vocabulary is presented visually with art and captions. French-English word lists in “Vocabulaire complémentaire” boxes include additional active vocabulary. All of the vocabulary is recorded and accessible via MindTap. Activities in varied formats allow practice and reinforcement of the vocabulary presented.
Grammaire. Grammar topics are presented functionally to highlight the structures' communicative purposes. Each section opens with a “Du film Liaisons” box that uses photographs and examples from the film to illustrate the grammar point and to raise students' consciousness of the forms being studied. The formal, deductive grammar explanation then follows. Clear and concise grammar explanations include helpful, easy-to-understand charts, graphs, and models. A series of activities provides ample reinforcement of the grammar presented.
Pronunciation. Pronunciation is treated in every chapter of in the “Liaisons avec les mots et les sons” section. Students listen to and read an explanation of a pronunciation topic and improve their pronunciation through a variety of aural/oral activities, listen-and-repeat exercises, and dictées.
Integration of film. The film LIAISONS is integrated into various features of the textbook and MindTapl. A section toward the end of each chapter, “Première Projection” and “Deuxième Projection,” contains pre-, during, and post-viewing activities to help students comprehend the segment of the film that they are watching. Scenes from the film are used as springboards for the presentation of grammar and provide the context for selected vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation activities.
Integration of technology. Throughout its chapters, LIAISONS provides multiple opportunities for students to take their language learning experience into the virtual world via Internet activities that encourage them to find information about various cultural topics and to discover the music of interesting places in France and the francophone world. The program is accompanied by a full set of technology components such as iLrn™: Heinle Learning Center and the Premium Website, designed to make learning and teaching French easier and more enjoyable.