Authors : G. Tyler Miller; Scott Spoolman
832 Pages Hardcover
20th Edition | Previous Editions: 2018, 2015, 2012
©2021, Published
£ 74.99 Price
In the new edition of LIVING IN THE ENVIRONMENT, authors Miller and Spoolman continue partnering with National Geographic Learning to deliver a text that equips students with the knowledge and inspiration they need to make a difference in solving today's environmental issues. Using sustainability as... more
FLEXIBILITY IN COURSE DESIGN. User friendly and extremely flexible, this textbook enables instructors to easily vary the order of chapters and sections within chapters.
EXCLUSIVE CONTENT FROM THE NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY. Captivating photos, maps and illustrations sourced from National Geographi... more
LEARNING OBJECTIVES LISTED AT THE BEGINNING OF EACH CHAPTER SECTION. These preview the most important lessons to be learned from each chapter section, giving students a roadmap for reading, reviewing and studying each section’s material. They help prepare students for end-of-chapter Critical Thinkin... more
Our online learning platforms are designed to achieve better results. By increasing student engagement, improving teacher productivity, and using assessment to enable differentiation, we support growth. With Living in the Environment, 20th K12 MindTap (1-year access... more