Author : Dianne Hales
624 Pages Paperback
19th Edition | Previous Editions: 2019, 2017, 2015
©2021, Published
£ 85.99 Price
From physical and mental to social and sexual, Dianne Hales' AN INVITATION TO HEALTH: TAKING CHARGE OF YOUR HEALTH helps students achieve a healthier lifestyle now and in the future. The 19th Edition covers new research on such topics as happiness and health, current statistics on life expectancy an... more
Presented in the trusted point of view of Dianne Hales, the author and journalist who has candidly discussed personal health in textbooks and the national press for decades, the book engages and informs students. Like no other writer, she understands the modern health issues impacting college studen... more
New sections on money management, the opioid epidemic, CBD, and obesity bring the 19th Edition fully up to date.
New research throughout includes the latest findings on a variety of trending diets, student vulnerability to stress and coping techniques, and treatment options for drug addiction. Upda... more