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Larson's PRECALCULUS is known for delivering sound, consistently structured explanations and exercises of mathematical concepts to expertly prepare students for the study of calculus. With the tenth edition, the author continues to revolutionize the way students learn the material by incorporating more real-world applications, ongoing review, and innovative technology. How Do You See It? exercises give students practice applying the concepts, and new Summarize features and Checkpoint problems, reinforce understanding of the skill sets to help students better prepare for tests. The companion website offers free access to multiple tools and resources. offers free step-by-step solutions to the odd-numbered exercises in the text. MindTap, a powerful online learning environment, combines student learning tools into a single Learning Path.

Teacher Supplements
Annotated Instructor's Edition

Instructor Sample/Review copy of Precalculus, 10th Edition.

Student Supplements
Precalculus Student Notetaking Guide
Study Guide with Student Solutions Manual

This guide offers step-by-step solutions for all odd-numbered text exercises, Chapter and Cumulative Tests, and Practice Tests with solutions, giving you a way to check your answers.