Authors : James Stewart; Lothar Redlin; Saleem Watson
800 Pages Hardcover
8th Edition | Previous Editions: 2016, 2013, 2009
©2024, Published
£ 82.99 Price
Do your students attempt to memorize facts and mimic examples to make it through algebra? Instead, provide students with a solid foundation in the principles of mathematical thinking with COLLEGE ALGEBRA, 8th Edition by best-selling author team Stewart/Redlin/Watson. This popular, updated edition ex... more
WEBASSIGN PROVIDES ONLINE TOOLS TO BUILD YOUR STUDENTS’ CONFIDENCE AND ELEVATE PERFORMANCE: Leading WebAssign digital resources provide instant access to expertly designed support for both you and your students. Updated, innovative exercises, "Explore It" interactive learning modules and instruction... more
NEW EXERCISES HELP STUDENTS DEVELOP IMPORTANT PROBLEM-SOLVING SKILLS: New Problem-Solving exercises in most sections highlight and apply a specific problem-solving principle from the prologue. More than 20% of the overall exercises are new to this edition.
Everything you need for your course in one place! This collection of product-specific lecture and class tools is available online via You'll be able to access and download materials such as PowerPoint® presentations, images, instructor’s manual, videos, and more.
The Instructor's Manual contains points to stress, suggested time to allot, text discussion topics, core materials for lecture, workshop/discussion suggestions, group work, and suggested homework problems. Located on the Instructor Companion Site.
Everything you need for your course in one place! This collection of product-specific lecture and class tools is available online via the instructor resource center at You'll be able to access and download materials such as PowerPoint presentations, images, instructor’s manual, videos... more
This manual, available on the Instructor Companion Site, contains solutions to all exercises from the text, including Chapter Review Exercises, and Chapter Tests.
This website provides a variety of resources to help you review for class.
The Note-Taking Guide is an innovative study aid that helps you develop a section-by-section summary of key concepts.
Our online learning platforms are designed to achieve better results. By increasing student engagement, improving teacher productivity, and using assessment to enable differentiation, we support growth. With College Algebra, 8th K12 WebAssign (1-year access), our online so... more