JUST IN TIME SUPPORT built into questions contains direct links to the eTextbook (Read It) and videos (Watch It).
MASTER IT TUTORIALS break problems down into steps to help guide students through the mathematical process.
VIDEO EXAMPLES provide embedded videos paired with follow-up questions to ensure student understanding.
COURSE PACKS are modifiable, ready-to-use assignments built by subject matter experts to help save time.
CLASS INSIGHTS provide understanding of student knowledge gaps.
RESPONSIVE LABS are multi-step projects (Labs) that provide an authentic and personalized application problem that gives learners the skills to think about and use the mathematics they are learning in various ways outside the classroom.
STUDENT ACTIVITIES BOOKLET includes crowd-sourced projects contributed by instructors that give students in-depth practice either with a group or on their own.
COREQUISITE VERSION AVAILABLE to provide the flexibility to match any corequisite implementation model and to empower you to deliver high quality content at the right time for your students at an affordable price.
ANSWER SECTION provides answers to Chapter Test Exercises that include a reference to a similar example in the text, making it easy for students to review relevant material for exercises that they answer incorrectly.
EXCURSION ACTIVITY and corresponding Excursion Exercises conclude each section, providing concept reinforcement and opportunities for in-class cooperative work, hands-on learning, and development of critical-thinking skills
AUFMANN INTERACTIVE METHODensures that students try concepts and manipulate real-life data as they progress through the material. Every section objective contains at least one set of matched-pair examples, the first of which is a completely worked-out example with an annotated solution. Students then actively practice the concept under discussion by trying the second problem, called Check Your Progress, using the example as a model. Each Check Your Progress problem includes a reference to a fully worked-out solution in the back of the text.
PROBLEM-SOLVING STRATEGIES section in Chapter 1 introduces students to the inductive and deductive reasoning strategies they will use throughout the text.
MATH MATTERS features throughout the text help to motivate students by containing an interesting sidelight about mathematics, its history, or its applications.