Today's Technician: Automotive Brake Systems, Classroom Manual and Shop Manual

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Authors : Ken Pickerill; Michael Godson


720 Pages  Paperback 

8th Edition  |  Previous Editions: 2019, 2015, 2011

©2025, Published


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Pickerill/Godson's TODAY'S TECHNICIAN: AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE SYSTEMS, CLASSROOM AND SHOP MANUAL, 8th Edition, equips readers to understand, diagnose and repair brake systems with confidence. With its two-volume approach, the text covers the theory and application of the total brake system, subsystem and ... more


A unique two-volume format allows for comprehensive coverage with maximum instructional convenience, dividing content between a Classroom Manual to instill basic knowledge of how systems work, and a Shop Manual to help students hone their practical skills through hands-on application.

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New to this Edition

Content in both volumes has been updated to align with the ASE Education Foundation 2022 accreditation model and the 8th edition includes new job sheets related to specific MLR, AST and MAST tasks. Additionally, the text can serve as an up-to-date reference for today's technicians.

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Today’s Technician: Automotive Brake Systems, Classroom and Shop Manual, 8th K12 MindTap (1-year access)
9798214123417 $37.00

Our online learning platforms are designed to achieve better results. By increasing student engagement, improving teacher productivity, and using assessment to enable differentiation, we support growth. With Today’s Tec... more

Today’s Technician: Automotive Brake Systems, Classroom and Shop Manual, 8th K12 MindTap (6-year access)
9798214123424 $173.00

Our online learning platforms are designed to achieve better results. By increasing student engagement, improving teacher productivity, and using assessment to enable differentiation, we support growth. With Today’s Tec... more

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K12 Print + Digital Bundle: Today’s Technician: Automotive Brake Systems, Classroom and Shop Manual, 8th Student Edition + MindTap (1-year access)



K12 Print + Digital Bundle: Today’s Technician: Automotive Brake Systems, Classroom and Shop Manual, 8th Student Edition + MindTap (6-year access)

