International Relations: Perspectives, Controversies and Readings

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Author : Keith L. Shimko


384 Pages  Paperback 

5th Edition  |  Previous Editions: 2013, 2010, 2008

©2016, Published


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Engaging and highly accessible, this reader-friendly text features broad coverage of key principles of international relations, providing a thorough introduction to the discipline while avoiding excessive detail and complexity. International Relations: Perspectives, Controversies, and Readings, Fift... more


Designed to be reader-friendly and engaging, this popular text provides a thorough, yet highly accessible introduction to international relations, combining broad coverage of essential theory, current issues, and real-world examples in a compact volume that avoids excessive detail and complexity.

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In addition to updated content in nearly every chapter, the Fifth Edition features numerous new photos and up-to-date statistics reflecting the most current research and reporting.

Thoroughly revised based on the trends, theories, and discussions shaping the study of international relations today, ... more
