Author : Warren Matthews
464 Pages Paperback
7th Edition | Previous Editions: 2010, 2007, 1999
©2013, Published
Presenting both the histories and the prevalent worldviews of the major world religions, Matthews's WORLD RELIGIONS, Seventh Edition, methodically introduces students to the richness and diversity of these traditions. The "Worldview" sections in particular make this the most helpful textbook for com... more
Each religion is presented with a consistent ordering of topics to make comparison of different faiths a straightforward process.
"Worldview" sections allow students to discern the commonalities and differences among the major religions' outlook on the world. Matthews's unique approach fulfills two... more
Updated timelines, population figures and photographs have been incorporated into the text.
Revised and updated review and discussion questions help students focus their reading while remaining mindful of the broader religious context and implications.
Chapter 12 on globalization has been updated ... more