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Series results

Prepare high school striving readers for college and career success with dynamic National Geographic content and authentic, multicultural, leveled literature and language instruction

A four-level listening and speaking series that uses carefully selected, authentic models and powerful ideas from TED Talks to teach students to think critically and communicate effectively.

A four-level grammar series that uses compelling stories, targeted grammar explanations, contextualized examples, and extensive practice in a context relevant to students’ lives.

Single item results

Lexile®: 830

9780736233279 $117.00

Lexile®: 910

9780736233163 $117.00

1st Edition

9780357366837 $40.00

Lexile®: 820

9780736233545 $117.00

Lexile®: 730

9780736233293 $117.00

Thomas Fast

1st Edition

9781305862968 $45.00

Becky Tarver Chase; Kristin L....

2nd Edition

9781337407700 $48.00

1st Edition

9780357367056 $40.00

Lexile®: 590

9780736233187 $117.00

Lexile®: 970

9780736233477 $117.00

1st Edition

9780357366561 $40.00

1st Edition

9780357366547 $40.00

Katherine Stannett

1st Edition

9781337624787 $45.00

Lexile®: 1040

9780736233521 $117.00

Diane Pinkley

1st Edition

9781305862951 $45.00

1st Edition

9780357366950 $40.00

Lexile®: 750

9780736233415 $117.00

Lexile®: 770

9780736233606 $117.00

Becky Tarver Chase; Kristin L....

2nd Edition

9781337407717 $48.00

Lexile®: 1020

9780736233361 $117.00

1st Edition

9780357366899 $40.00

Keith S. Folse

1st Edition

9781305899902 $62.00

Lexile®: 670

9780736233125 $117.00

Lexile®: 780

9780736233484 $117.00

Mari Vargo

2nd Edition

9781337625104 $53.00