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Series results

Experience the world in the middle school classroom with authentic, multicultural literature and National Geographic informational texts

Prepare high school striving readers for college and career success with dynamic National Geographic content and authentic, multicultural, leveled literature and language instruction

Single item results

Lexile®: 780

9780736233484 $117.00

Lexile®: 820

9780736233545 $117.00

Lexile®: 290

9780736233231 $103.50

Lexile®: 590

9780736233187 $117.00

Lexile®: 810

9780736233453 $117.00

Nancy Douglas; Helen Huntley; ...

2nd Edition

9781305838918 $61.00

Keith S. Folse; April Muchmore...

4th Edition

9781305900028 $62.00

Lexile®: 830

9780736233279 $117.00

Lexile®: 770

9780736233606 $117.00

Keith S. Folse; April Muchmore...

4th Edition

9781305899933 $62.00

Keith S. Folse; Elena Vestri S...

3rd Edition

9781305899995 $62.00

Lexile®: 880

9780736233354 $117.00

Keith S. Folse; April Muchmore...

4th Edition

9781305899964 $62.00