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Milestones' powerful emphasis on vocabulary building continues in this second explicit vocabulary section entitled Academic Vocabulary.

Academic Vocabulary encompasses language used in the learning of academic subject matter including specific academic or technical terms.

It is the vocabulary needed to communicate effectively in content area classes and to comprehend various texts in different content area classes.

The vocabulary is presented in purple font and is based on words related to the Reading Strategy which follows.

The format is consistent: the word, its part of speech, an explanation/definition, a sample sentence and a visual cue.

Students will illustrate and write a sentence of their own, in their Vocabulary Log, for each new word.They will discuss and engage in activities to add to their knowledge of the words.

The steps mirror Marzano's six-step process for teaching new vocabulary.

(For more information, please see the Staff Development Handbook in the Milestones Teacher's Edition.)

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