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Explorer Books (Pathfinder Spanish Social Studies: U.S. History): Del trabajo a la escuela, 6-pack

$61.50 9781285708607


6 copies of the Spanish edition of From Work to School. Find out how childhood has changed over the last two hundred years, as history has moved from a time when most children worked to a time when all children have the right to go to school.

Teacher Supplements
Explorer Books: Teacher's Guide

The Teacher's Guide is your complete resource for instruction and planning.

Student Supplements
Explorer Books (Pathfinder Spanish Social Studies: U.S. History): Del trabajo a la escuela
9781285413143 $10.25

Single copy of the Spanish edition of From Work to School. Find out how childhood has changed over the last two hundred years, as history has moved from a time when most children worked to a time when all children have the rig... more

Explorer Books (Pathfinder Social Studies: U.S. History): From Work to School, 6-pack
9781285347417 $61.50

6 copies of From Work to School. Find out how childhood has changed over the last two hundred years, as history has moved from a time when most children worked to a time when all children have the right to go to school.

Best Buy / Other Popular Packages
Choose the textbook packaged with the resources that best meet your course and student needs. Contact your Cengage Learning representative for more information.

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Explorer Books (Pioneer Social Studies): Single-Copy Set



Explorer Books (Pathfinder Social Studies): Single-Copy Set



Explorer Books (Pathfinder Science): Single-Copy Set, Spanish



Explorer Books (Pathfinder Science and Social Studies): Single-Copy Set, Spanish



Explorer Books (Pathfinder Social Studies): Single-Copy Set, Spanish



Explorer Books (Pioneer and Pathfinder Science and Social Studies): Combination Set



Explorer Books (Pioneer Science and Social Studies): Single-Copy Set



Explorer Books (Pathfinder Science and Social Studies): Single-Copy Set



Explorer Books (Pioneer and Pathfinder Science): Single-Copy Set



Explorer Books (Pioneer Science): Single-Copy Set

